Croatia Music Festivals - Folklore and dance festivals

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General terms and conditions for tourist services

Travel agency Autotrans d.d. provides services as a trader, organizer or seller by the Act on the Provision of Tourism Services and may arrange, mediate or provide other services related to the travel and accommodation of tourists.
Travel agency is managed by: Tamara Cerneka, director

Written Complaint to the service provided by the travel agency must be filed no later than 8 days after return from the journey to the address:
AUTOTRANS d.d. travel agency
Šetalište 20. travnja 18
51 557 Cres
Fax: + 385 51 211 988
Written or oral complaint about our services you can file also in all our branch offices.
Travel agency will make a written statement on such complaint within 15 days upon receipt.
Travel agency will only address to those complaints that the cause could not be solved at the place of service.

The competent authority for the official supervision of travel agency is State Inspectorate - Independent Department of Tourism Inspection, Šubićeva 29, 10 000 Zagreb uses cookies to deliver the best possible web experience. By using our website you agree on our cookie usage policy. Find more information in our Cookie policy.